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Are you suffering from Anxiety & Stress?

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Ashwagandha root extract is a natural and safe treatment option to reduce anxiety, stress and panic. It is among ancient natural remedies for achieving better concentration and improved mental ability.

In order to achieve good health, we make efforts such as exercising regularly, sticking to healthy dietary guidelines, getting periodic health checks, following doctor’s prescriptions and taking treatment for optimal health. Ironically, the current scenario of increasing workload and mental pressure has created enhanced levels of stress and anxiety. Although stress is a normal temporary condition for a healthy person, persistent stress leads to anxiety. If prolonged or chronic and unrelieved, it can lead to panic and cause significantly adverse effects on health. Stress, anxiety and panic are often underlying problems of health conditions such as headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin ailments, asthma, arthritis among the physical symptoms and depression, anxiety and panic attacks among the psychological issues. Anxiety is often associated with poor appetite, reduced mental ability, coordination and overall poor health. If you are suffering from any or all of these conditions, the reason could be stress. To prevent the condition from deteriorating into panic, seeking early treatment and holistic remedies is advisable.

Even before talking about remedies, we need to understand that stress and anxiety is an ever-present side effect of the modern competitive lifestyle, so it cannot be simply wished away or prevented. Instead, we can prepare our body to cope with stress and anxiety. Among effective remedies, nature provides treatment options that can reduce the level of stress in our body, aid physical performance and enhance quality of life.

Ashwagandha Root Extract is one of those naturally existing remedies for stress, anxiety and even panic. It is a root extract of the herb Ashwagandha (withania somnifera) used in Ayurveda among remedies for natural stress management. The benefits offered by Ashwagandha root extracts are multiple. A few of these include:

  • Ashwagandha is an adaptogen: Adaptogens are compounds with an ability to prevent physical and chemical effects of stress on the body. The main constituents of this herb are withanolides, which serve as important hormone precursors that can convert into human physiologic hormones as needed. These can help regulate important physiologic processes. It is evident that when there is an excess of a certain hormone in the system due to stress, the plant-based hormone precursor can occupy the cell membrane receptor sites so that the actual hormone cannot attach and exert its effect on the system.
  • Anxiety countering by ability to relieve insomnia and related depression: Ashwagandha can significantly reduce cortisol concentrations and the relative immunosuppressive effect. According to a research study on two groups of subjects (32 each) with a history of chronic stress, only one group was administered ashwagandha. In the group using Ashwagandha, the subjects showed substantial reduction in stress.This group's subjects showed reduction in anxiety and insomnia by 69.7%, compared to the control group. This finding provides evidence of the strong anti-stress adaptogenic activity of Ashwagandha. It also justifies that Ashwagandha root extract improves resistance to stress and thus improves even the self-assessed quality of life.
  • Chronic stress treatment: Chronic stress and panic can lead to mood swings, which may very quickly devolve into depression and even full-blown panic attacks, causing overall poor health. Thus, it is vital to find the right treatment and remedies for stress. Formal treatment options cannot be sustained for long, as most of them involve side effects and carry the risk of being habit-forming. Therefore, natural remedies such as Ashwagandha are considered safe and effective treatment remedies .In chronic conditions, this herb proves to be among effective natural remedies as it reduces the severity and adverse effects of anxiety to a great extent.
  • Other benefits: Ashwagandha can improve physical performance and reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, aiding higher energy levels and improved heart function, another means of ensuring good health.

With all these benefits, Ashwagandha is an effective treatment option for stress and related issues.

To summarize, if you suffer from any form of stress, anxiety or panic-related issues, do not ignore the problem. Seek safe treatment options to improve your mental and physical well-being consume BestSource Nutrition’s Ashwagandha root extract. It can help you achieve a happier, healthy lifestyle with ability to cope with anxiety by promoting overall physical and mental health. Among choices, opt for in the form of extract capsules rather than powder as the powder can be bitter. Moreover, the capsule form ensures product purity, medical compliance, and it is convenient to use.

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