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10 easy lifestyle tips for faster weight loss

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Dr. Varsha Mishra
Dt Aruna M
Dietitian Aruna M
M.Sc. Clinical Nutrition, NET Cleared

Obesity is a growing epidemic all over the world. It is important to work on a crusade to increase metabolism for consistent weight loss, which also involves choosing natural healthy food, right supplements and making a few lifestyle changes to fight being overweight or obese.

Being overweight or obese takes a heavy toll on your health. Obesity makes people less healthy and productive, making it difficult to increase metabolism. They also end up spending much more time and effort on maintaining their wellbeing. Focusing on healthy lifestyle changes is important to prevent insulin resistance, accumulation of plaque in the arteries, hypertension, and even certain types of cancer. Lifestyle changes must include nutritious and healthy food, exercise and physical activity, along with natural supplements to speed up the weight loss process. Let us quickly examine some ways to trigger weight loss.

  • Limit food portions: Do not cut down food calories entirely. Begin with smaller steps. For instance, use small plates and bowls to limit food consumption. This will accelerate your weight loss program. Chew food well and eat slowly to feel full faster with lower calories consumed.
  • Limit empty calories: Avoid fruit juices, carbonated beverages and sodas that are loaded with sugar as they increase unnecessary calories considerably. Replace them with whole fruits and vegetables. For enhancing weight loss, choose skimmed milk. When you are hungry, choose a handful of assorted nuts or some sprouted pulses as snack food. Avoid processed junk foods and opt for natural homemade snacks.
  • Choose food wisely: When eating outside home, it is necessary to make wise food choices. To hasten weight loss, avoid creamy salad dressings. Instead, choose a vinegar dressing. Ensure that you add more vegetables to pizzas and burgers to limit cheese and sauces. Choose your favorite vegetables to accompany your food.
  • Regulate unconscious lifestyle food choices: To make quality lifestyle changes, it is important to identify faulty health routines. Many people consume excessive junk foods simply to counter boredom and stress. Others are tempted by the sight of their favorite fast food. Some of us grab a packet of chips or popcorn while watching television. All these habits require conscious change. Eat food only when hunger, not due to lifestyle stress or boredom.
  • Make exercise a lifestyle choice: There are many natural ways to remain energetic. Exercise is an important factor to increase metabolism, well-being and fitness. A sedentary lifestyle can increase mortality risk significantly. A minimum of 30 minutes of daily exercise activity is necessary to stay healthy and to lose weight.
  • Increase metabolism with right exercises: For people suffering from arthritis or chronic heart disease, simple stretching exercises can help keep weight in control. A physiotherapist can suggest better exercises for people with lifestyle and health issues. A light exercise routine of walk or yoga can improved health and help you achieve a better lifestyle.
  • Include hobbies in your routine: To counter boredom, choose a hobby to make best use of your free time. If you are good at sports, include your favorite sport as part of your daily exercise routine. Any physical activity can help increase metabolism and prevent excessive weight gain, triggering weight loss. To increase metabolism, swimming can be a good exercise. Control your television viewing time and engage in outdoor activities as a conscious lifestyle choice.
  • Motivation is key to increase metabolism and health: As a health counselor, I encounter many situations where clients lose motivation when they do not lose weight rapidly. When your weight loss targets are not being met despite food control and exercise, do not get demotivated. Use a natural dietary supplement to increase metabolism and trigger weight loss.
  • Natural food supplements can help trigger weight loss: The product I like and recommend most is LOSE FAT™ from It has a combination of five active ingredients that include natural extracts of Garcinia cambogia, green coffee bean, grape seed, cinnamon and green tea. These compounds have proven successful in several clinical studies for natural and effective weight loss and are trusted by experts. The compounds act as a natural fat burner, suppressing sugar cravings and also providing natural mood-elevating antioxidants. This product not only helps in weight loss but also helps to maintain overall health.
  • Use nature to power your healthy weight loss:The active ingredients found in the supplement reduce appetite, bring rapid satiety, increase metabolism, endurance and thermogenic activity, which helps in losing weight and making you feel fitter and healthy.
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