5 Tips to Manage Old Age Memory Loss

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Dt. Maithili Pashtekar
Dietitian Maithili Pashtekar
Registered Dietician ,P.G.Dip Clinical Nutrition

Aging changes our brain functioning & results in memory loss. Natural supplements & healthy lifestyle help improve memory, manage conditions such as dementia & Alzheimer’s.

Keeping our mind & body healthy is important for feeling good at any age. Aging seems to start gradually with a few grey hairs, but over time, our entire body processes start changing. Aging sets in gradual changes and affects us in various ways, most noticeably by the dropping of our strength and stamina levels or by the diminishing of our hearing, eyesight & memory. Among the various changes of aging, let us focus on memory to examine how to prevent memory loss in old age.

As per Alzheimer’s Association, “Dementia” is a general term used to describe symptoms of memory loss, impaired communication, and thinking. Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that accounts for 60-80% of all dementia cases. People with Dementia or Alzheimer’s have problems in retrieving memory and they face short-term memory loss, which can have serious implications in their daily life.

To effectively manage memory loss in old age, here is a checklist of five tips to effectively boost brain function, improve memory, prevent dementia, and arrest worsening of Alzheimer’s:

  • Eat a healthy diet: : A diet rich in nutritious & nourishing foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables & healthy fats (omega 3 fatty acids) improve memory and brain health. As per a review article by J. Thomas et al (Biomed. Res. International 2015), supplementation with Omega 3, especially DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), helps to reduce inflammation & degenerative changes in aging brain cells, thereby preventing or delaying memory decline in dementia and Alzheimer’s.

  • Drinking plenty of low-calorie liquids can keep you healthy and do try to avoid alcohol, which contributes to memory loss.
  • Stay socially active: : Social interactions help reduce stress & depression, especially in persons who are living alone. Managing your stress levels helps to improve memory & brain health.
  • Use natural supplements to improve memory- Phospholipids are an integral part of our brain & important for proper brain functioning. A diet of natural supplements rich in phospholipids, especially phosphatidylserine, has an important role in brain cell signaling. In a study conducted by Margret et al (Advances in therapy Vol. 31 Issue 12; 2014), phosphatidylserine supplementation showed a positive influence to improve memory, mood & cognition. BestSource Nutrition’s Phospholipid Complex, enriched with 20% phosphatidylserine, is a safe & effective, natural vegetarian (Non-GMO soy-based) supplement to help manage old age memory loss, boost brain functioning & help in retrieving memories in dementia or Alzheimer’s patients.
  • Get enough sleep- Getting a good night’s sound sleep is necessary to improve memory. Senior adults should try to sleep for at least 7-8 hours to help them to consolidate & retrieve memories.
  • Exercise: A regular workout improves overall the body’s blood circulation, including blood circulation to the brain. This helps to improve brain functioning & memory. Regular exercise improves ‘brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which helps to reduce oxidative & degenerative changes in the brain. This effect helps, in turn, to improve brain cell signalling, reduce memory loss & prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s (Mark P. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences; 2008).

Memory decline is very common with aging. However, these five easy tips can help boost up brain function & manage memory loss safely and naturally. Boost your brain health naturally with the perfect combination of a healthy lifestyle and the natural supplement- Phospholipid Complex enriched in Phosphatidylserine by BestSource Nutrition, to ensure a happy and fit old age.

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