5 Tips to Reduce Cancer Treatment Toxicity

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Women with head covered in a red bandana

Dt. Chhavi Goel Manglik
Doctor Chhavi Goel Manglik
Certified Diabetic Educator

Cancer is an abnormal growth of body cells, with symptoms varying based on type and stage. Cancer treatment includes radiation therapies, chemotherapies and surgery. Cancer treatment often produces toxicity in the body numerous side effects such as pain, vomiting, low appetite, stress etc.The article reveals measures such as using natural antioxidants like grape seed extract can be natural ways to control cancer toxicity.

Cancer treatment includes therapies surgery, chemotherapy, internal radiotherapy, and outer radiotherapy. All these exhausting and demanding processes create a lot of toxicity in the body. Symptoms of this toxicity include a fall in appetite, generalized weakness, immense fatigue, tiredness, etc. Let us examine some healthy and easy tips to reduce toxicity caused due to cancer treatment.

  • Taking protection from natural antioxidant:

Cancer treatment leads to the formation of free radicals due to toxicity. If the body does not receive sufficient protection against free radicals, the body cells can degenerate and malfunction. These side effects of tissue degradation and toxicity can worsen the cancer patient’s condition and increase the risk of systemic vulnerability. To prevent such toxicity-related side effects, help comes from antioxidants. Among antioxidants to prevent toxicity caused among side effects of cancer therapies, my choice is Grape Seed Extract from BestSource Nutrition. Grape seed extract provides high-quality natural antioxidant boosters, which are clinically proved safe. Further, grape seed extract has phytonutrients oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPC), which research reveals as more powerful than vitamin C, E, and beta carotene. A study conducted by Manjinder Kaur and et al reveals that grape seed extracts have shown cancer chemotherapy preventive potential and are also known to improve overall human health. Hence, Grape seed extracts possess anticancer properties. I recommend BestSource Nutrition’s Grape seed extract supplement as its extraction is done by a unique water-based therapy to ensure maximum effectiveness of the antioxidant qualities of the pure grape seed extract.

  • Consume probiotics daily

A Probiotic microorganism kindles better health and improves immunity. These microorganisms help in building a balanced gut flora. As per published studies, intake of probiotics helps in reducing tumor growth. Probiotics can certainly fortify and boost the digestive system and help in the absorption of minerals. A study conducted by Yu AQ, published in Nutrition and Cancer 2016, proclaims that the human gut microbes play a vital role in many phases of bodily activities comprising of metabolism, nutrient absorption, and immune function. As a class of functional foods, probiotics play a chief role in protecting against cancer development by lessens the frequency of postoperative inflammation in cancer patients. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy-related diarrhea is also relieved in patients who are administered oral probiotics.

  • Protein rich diet:

Protein comes under the macronutrient category of food as it helps in maintaining the growth and repair of the body tissues and organs. Protein also helps the body to fight against any infection and provides strength. Therefore, protein is an important component of the general diet. During cancer treatment, the body’s protein requirement increases because cancer therapies damage cells and create toxicity. To protect cells and repair the worn and torn-out cells, it is important to add good quality protein sources to the diet. Studies and various case reports published strongly advocate an anti-tumor effect of protein on cancers. A study published in the Journal of Anticancer Research 2000 by Bounous G. has concluded that in the body, glutathione (GSH) antioxidant system shows cellular protective mechanisms or anti-tumor properties. Whey protein concentrate is a safe cysteine donor for GSH replenishment during immune deficiency states such as toxicity during cancer therapy. Hence it proves Whey protein concentrate (WPC) and glutathione are useful in cancer treatment.

  • Choose an organic plant based diet:

It is very important to have a plant-based diet that includes organic products, which contain fewer chemicals and pesticides. Chemicals such as herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides are broadly used in agriculture farming. As these chemicals remain in the food we eat, they add to toxicity in the body. Organic food is generally fresh since it does not contain any preservatives. These foods are a good source of vitamins and minerals for improving immunity and the quality of life.

  • Strong willpower:

One of the chiefs and foremost reasons to prevent cancer toxicity is positive willpower. It can diminish the side effects and toxicity of the treatment of cancer. A self-evaluation and mental health support system can help in lowering 15-25% of stress, exertion, and side effects of the toxic medical treatment. Strong willpower and courage help in winning the battle against cancer and in lessening the toxicity and side effects. A case reported in India Today in 2014 reveals the story of a person diagnosed with cancer twice, who defeated cancer through his sheer willpower.

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