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Safe Weight Loss Pills: Do they exist?

In News 1 comment
Dietitian Pooja Maheshwari
Research Dietician, CDE, N.D.D.Y.

Diet and exercise are very important for weight management. To support this, weight loss pills play an important role. Safe weight loss supplements are natural fat burners that can trigger long-term weight management and should ideally contain high quality, natural ingredients.

The market is flooded with weight loss pills and supplements that all claim to offer you amazing results in very little time. In advertising, it is a large concern that weight loss claims are often deceitful. Many weight loss supplements or pills carry testimonials that suggest these no-diet no-exercise pills, shakes, supplements can trim inches and cut pounds without any effort whatsoever. We often get lured by claims such as“10 kg weight loss in 1 month”, “Magical tablet”, “Lose weight without diet”, “Fat cutter”, “Lose weight in 48 hours” etc. As a nutrition and health expert, I know all these are false and just a fat burner scam. However, what particularly shocked and appalled me about these cunningly-crafted labels is that they can very easily mislead consumers looking for solutions to their weight loss problems. As an expert, I can tell you not to expect any miracle from any fat burner pill. There is no easy or instant solution for weight reduction. Everyone needs to eat a balanced diet and exercise. Along with these, to fasten the weight loss process, weight loss pills and supplements can be used as a carrier. Weight loss supplements work by:

  • Increasing body's energy expenditure using specialized ingredients.
  • Raisingbody’s metabolic rate.
  • Increasing breakdown of fatty acids.
  • Reducing appetite.

Increase in metabolism leads to greater energy utilization, while a decrease in hunger can further support burning fat. That is why weight loss pills and supplements are also called fat burners. Any authentic weight loss pills are a great way to help you lose weight. However, for ensuring safe use, you need to be cautious while buying any fat burner supplements.

A few important factors should be considered to choose the right and genuine weight loss pill. Let me help you in determining what should be your selection criteria to find and buy safe weight loss pills or fat burner supplements.

  • Check the product label: Genuine fat burners will be clearly labeled with the product description, product formula, certification by the regulatory authority, as well as license name and number of the manufacturer. Most countries prescribe that on all weight loss and health supplements and diet products, the dosage should be very clearly mentioned on the label.
  • Ensure effective quantity: Before buying a supplement, check that there is clinical evidence about its efficacy. Also, check if the supplements have a sufficient amount of effective ingredient to aid weight loss. For example, in garcinia cambogia extract, the product should list the specific serving (such as500mg) and the amount of active key ingredient in the extract (that is 60% of HCA- hydroxy citric acid). If you see an ingredient listed without quantity, then the weight loss product being offered may not contain active ingredients in the right quantity to aid weight loss.
  • Natural ingredients: Natural products are safe to use as dietary supplements because they are unadulterated. Many weight loss pills and supplements are adulterated by the addition of artificial or chemical substances. Always choose pills and supplements that have100% natural ingredient to ensure they do not have any side effect. Natural ingredients make the weight loss process faster, safer, without any side effect and also have a long-term positive health effect.
  • Clinically tested: When a dietary supplement is stated to have "clinically proven ingredients" for weight loss, there should be some clinical studies to assist claim. It makes sense to read about it because this will help you be clear about the capability of the ingredients’ action. This is a green sign for using the weight loss pills or supplements
  • Product reviews from customers: Product reviews are an essential part of online checks to modern marketing. Checking online customer feedback will help you know about the results of the product directly from users. A positive feedback builds trust is the products. For example, LOSE FAT™ from BestSource Nutrition shows positive reviews from customers who have been using the weight loss supplements.
  • Check whether the label mentions the necessity of diet &exercise or not? If it is clearly specified as to how much exercise is required to speed up the weight loss process and whether you need to have a balanced diet, then the product claim is not misleading you.

Weight loss supplements work along with exercise and diet. Bearing in mind all these considerations, I have discovered one safe product covering all above-mentioned criteria, LOSE FAT™ from BestSource Nutrition. Lose Fat has five natural ingredients and doesn’t cause any adverse side effects. People struggling to lose weight on their own and or those that are leading very busy lives can safely take the help of the weight loss diet pills and fat burner to support their transition to a healthy lifestyle. Diet pills work best when taken along with daily exercise and a balanced diet. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is a must if you want to lose weight in the long run.

Disclaimer: All content provided on this section is for informational purposes only. Any views or opinions or claims represented in this content are personal, belong solely to the writer and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the writer may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this article.


1 thought on “Safe Weight Loss Pills: Do they exist?


I’ve found a website with a lot of very good advices how to lose weight. I’m especially interested in one of the articles. Did anybody tried these herbs?

March 23, 2017 at 01:04am

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