Male Performance: 5 Tips to Increase

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Stressful lifestyle can adversely affect male performance. To increase stamina, a healthy combination of natural herbs and pills can be taken, which are effective and safe.

The world’s stress affects us adversely. One of these adverse effects, especially on males, is low male performance. The most common issues are a lack of stamina, low vitality, draining of energy, erectile dysfunction & male performance anxiety.

Though there are various causes, the results are distressing. Therefore, here are five tips to increase male performance safely and naturally-

  • Stay as active as possible: Increase in physical activity is one definite way to increase stamina. Exercise helps in releasing good hormones called endorphins, which make you feel active and healthy. Thus, make exercise a regular part of your health regimen, which is among the best natural boost without any pills.
  • Reduce stress: Although it is quite difficult to prevent stress, but not giving in to it will surely benefit you in many ways. Stress can reduce testosterone levels, which directly interfere with sexual function and male performance, especially causing erectile dysfunction. Chronic stress affects the concentration of all sex hormones, thus affecting male performance and even cause a low sex drive in the end.

    Try to manage stress levels by changing your lifestyle, including exercise, meditation, and yoga in your daily routine.

  • Healthy diet:Inclusions of healthy food in your diet increase stamina naturally. Healthy choices, with plentiful fruits and vegetables, will make your system function in the right way. So, eat a variety of foods including a good diet and multivitamins and pills for omega 3, vitamin B, and antioxidants. Stay away from unhealthy, deep-fried, and instant food.
  • Refrain from stimulant use: Stay away from stimulants such as alcohol and tobacco, which are not safe for health. These stimulants make us feel full of energy for a short period, but in the long term, these are harmful to health and affect male performance.
  • Consider safe & healthy supplements: Although plenty of supplements are available in the market in form of pills, capsules, or liquids, that claim to be natural & effective, one must be wise about choosing the right natural pills and supplements, with the correct quantity of natural herbs that are potent enough to deliver results. In my opinion, BestSource Nutrition’s Motent® is one such combination of natural supplements that is effective & safe.

BestSource Nutrition’s Motent® capsules contain Gokhru extract (Tribulus terrestris), Ashwagandha Extract, Safed Musli Extract, Shilajit extract, and Kaunch Beej extract. A few properties of these natural herbs are:

Gokhru extract: Adaikan et al, 2009, reported that Gokhru extract is a natural aphrodisiac. During experiments, this herb exhibited a pro-erectile effect and resulted in improvement of sexual dysfunction as it increased testosterone level naturally. Thus, it can be considered an enhancer of male performance and can increase stamina.

Ashwagandhaextract: Chandrasekhar et al, 2012 reported that after the administration of ashwagandha extract to the treatment group of subjects, there was a significant reduction in the score of the stress assessment scale. Not only this, it acts as an aphrodisiac, and helps in enhancing physical endurance during physical activities & sexual performance. A study performed on healthy adults after ashwagandha administration showed significant improvement of the stamina of subjects, as per Shweta et al, 2012.

Shilajit extract: It contains humic substances, majorly fulvic acid. As per research by Biswas et al 2010 on infertile male patients, shilajit extract showed significant improvement in fertility. Moreover, serum testosterone and FSH levels also increased significantly. It is being used for ages to enhance male performance and to increase stamina. Likewise, a few types of research show that Kaunch Beej extracts help in increasing libido.

BestSourceNutrition’s Motent® is the best combination of all-natural herbs. Therefore, if you are searching for effective and safe pills or supplements to enhance male performance and health, consult your healthcare provider and consider using this combination to naturally increase stamina and male performance.

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